Saturday, October 8, 2022

Photos from WW1

Most of these were in a locked box I had to break into! Several have writing on the back, but not all of them, unfortunately. Some appear in other posts.


"Handley Page twin engine type 014" Wiki says the HP.14 was single-engine, but this plane, whatever it is, is twin-engine.

"Ismailia, Bristol fighter" I think an F.2, built from 1916.

"Alrealinear[?], A Handley Page aeroplane which flew from France to Egypt 1919" Probably a Handley Page Type O, either O/100 or O/400, the biggest British plane at that time. Look at the size of the plane compared to the people - this plane is far bigger than the others here.

No text on this one - but a great image with the two camels next to the plane.

Again no text.


Text on the front, saying it was taken from a German plane, of Jerusalem.

"The Jordan Valley "The depth of the Jordan depression and the abruptness of the eastern-face plateau made this section of the (railway) line most difficult to construct" p396" Sounds like he is quoting a book, but I assume the photo is his own, given  they were pioneering aerial photograph.

The reverse says something like Amuman, but I am not sure.

No text unfortunately.

"Yarmuk Valley - Upper End with Tell el Shehab waterfall (near the bridge T.E.L. twice tried to demolish" The railway in this and the next few photos was the Hejaz Railway, opened in 1913 between Damascus and Medina, and under German control during the war. The T.E.L., whoever they are, were presumably on our side

"Yarmuk Valley - mid-portion"

Lower end of Yarmuk Valley (taken from a moving train)

"The Third Yarmuk Bridge, By the narrow and precipitous gorge of the River Yarmuk the railway from Palestine climbed to Hauran, on its way to Damascus. Photograph taken from the rear coach of the train as it moved off the bridge en route for Seraa[?] and Damascus"


"Typical Hedjaz irregulars." I can find nothing about irregulars in the British army in WW1, but there is this about Hedjaz.

No text, but presumably more irregulars.

"Major Ross and Rabegh R.F.C football team"

"Egypt somewhere" In case you might think this was France. Bernard is third from the left,  I think.

Who are these guys?

Bernard is bottom left, I think about to go to Gosport for the first time.

Again, not sure who they are.

Bernard again.

No idea.



"Rabegh, Sunset" The sunset looses impact in black and white...

No text, but I suspect that is Bernard.

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World War 1 Summary Page

I have ended up with numerous pages about Bernard in WW1. This page attempts to collate the in some kind of order. See also this page which...