Thursday, October 20, 2022

Bernard's war Diary (part 2)

Two and a half months, taking us from mid-January to the end of March 1916.

Monday the 10th

A large heap of sand on the edge of the aerodrome has to be moved. Hence we are all at it.

Thusday the 18th

Still at it tho fagged out.

Sunday the 16th

Service in the evening.

Monday the 17th

Reported at Wing Office at 10 am. Went to aerodrome and assisted in installing the Black Box. It is behind the shed just across the Suez Road. Road here does not necessarily include macadam. 2/3 of the Bristre[?] case comprise the actual B.B. with conveniences for wireless at one end. The other third about 7' square is a room for me. The door is at one end of the case, on the left as you approach it. Inside on the R. is a canvas bed. Opposite I have rigged up a table and wash stand. A.I.

The Black Box features in several subsequent entries, and I am not sure what it is. Not a black box as we understand it as it is housed on the base, and is twice the size of his living space. Not a dark room, as at one point he mentions using it as one. Possibly the camera obscura he mentioned previously? He also talks about a lens often, which I think fits.

Tuesday the 18th

Centred up the lens and got all square. All officers are being tested in bomb dropping so am fairly busy.

Wednesday the 26th

An exciting 5 mins. Was visiting another chap in the lorry and we were just about to make some coffee. He poured some water out of a petrol tin into his dishes[?] and warmed it with a blow lamp, Suddenly the whole lorry burst into flames. Of course we sprang to it. Heaved petrol cans, blankets, the dishes and various other things outside, smothered some of the flames, stamped out others, got our hair and eyelashes singed and eventually were alright. Then we examined things and found that the water in question was petrol! It was a narrow shave!

Expect to move shortly on to the canal. Only drawback to life here are the fetching of water from 1/2 mile across the desert and going the same distance three times a day for food.

I am wondering how they could fail to smell it was petrol. Maybe everything stunk so much?

Friday the 28th

Kept pretty busy, one way and another. About half a dozen turns[?] daily.

Sunday the 30th

Service at the American Mission

Tuesday Feb 1st

Should have moved with my flight to Kantara today. Wing cancelled the order.

Sunday the 6th

A slack week. Went into Cairo in the afternoon. Had a look around the gardens. Went to our church in the evening. Full and good service. Took communion afterwards.

Tuesday the 8th

Lens already gone to Ismailia. Some X.A.P. men came this morning and moved by Box. That was my first warning. Hunted round and Capt Jenkins got orders for me to go with it. went to station and saw in on the train. Back in Capt Burchnall's ca[?car or company?] for rations. Found the train at 8 o'clock. Was shunted till 11. Then went to sleep.

Wednesday the 9th

Slept all right. Woke up in a siding at Binbo just in time to stop a native appropriating my boots. Had a Cpl and wingman with me. Make some coffee and breakfasted. Left at 10 for Zagazig. The travelling is all right but shunting is abominable.

Strolled along the four wagons loaded with our stuff. Great sport jumping from truck to truck. Waited at Zagazig for the 11.0 train out of Cairo. It passed me at 12.30 with the Wing on it. We followed it and eventually reached Ismailia at 6.0 pm. Went to Wing for  tea and slept in the Box. More shunting.

Thursday 10th 

Assisted in unloading. My box needs crane. It will go to Moascar Station. Slept at W.O.

Friday the 11th

Still unloading. Went to aerodrome in evening.

Sunday the 13th

Bathing Parade at 215. Went out with Baldwin after tea and saw what there was to be seen to the town. Passes very necessary. Settled again in box.

Bathing parade is apparently when they all go to the beach and swim for a short time. See here:

Monday the 14th

Box ready for me.

Tuesday the 15th

Town again, Met an engineer of the Canal Co. Were off for a trip on the lake (Tismah) but boat did not start soon enough.

It is actually Lake Timsah, which has Ismailia in its northern shore, and through which the Sues Canal runs. I would guess ships took on pilots to guide theme though, the pilots changing here, as it is about half way between Suez in the south and Port Said in the north.

Thursday the 17th

Lake trip came off this time. Started at 7.15 and soon left the shore light far behind. Passing a hopper and a monitor, headed at 12 knots for 2 light on the horizon. Gradually they resolve into a four eyed steamer lying almost motionless in the lake. As we approached a gangway dropped, we hold on to it, change pilots and are away. You get a real impression of a ship's size when you are below it in this way. The next vessel is larger and is coming at a good pace, say 9 knots. We approach carefully. The same manoeuvres are repeated but it is quite exciting hanging on to a ship going at that pace. What a monster she seems too and what irresistible prowess she seems to have. We swing off past a brilliantly illuminated emisser[??]. Either the Cornwaller[the HMS Cornwall was in Singapore on this day, so not that ship] or Duralip[?] I think. Again heading for the Canal mouth. Ferry past that is where the Turks had to cross a year ago. Repeat with a smaller Halian[?] ??? and return home. There are five monsters here, but 2 go tomorrow to Port Said. George Diamondolis was our chaperon and guide. In the Canal Service he is a cross between a clerk and an engineer. We went to his quarters. They are comfortable and kept spotlessly clean. He tell me that all Canal Servants must be abalaines.[?abstemious maybe?]


Sunday the 20th

Mr Yates is here. He successfully dropped a 100 lb bomb plumb into the Turkish power house which supplies their new reservoirs with Ag. Blew it to bits. He got peppered pretty well too.

Ag is the chemical symbol for silver, but could be Aq, i.e., water.

Monday the 21st

Rumoured Mr Yates is to be awarded the Military Cross.

Tuesday the 22nd

Yesterdays rumour true

Thursday the 24th

After sundry  expeditions of a small nature were instructed by Gen Sir Archibald Murray. Fired up in front of sheds. He decorated Mr Yates with the Miltary Cross and of course congratulated him. The Gen; came into my show too and was much pleased.

Have not had much to do lately but am to have move in near future.

Baldwin has an Ensigrette. Using Black Box as dark room am helping to develop his films. Talking of photography have passed much pleasant time with ??? Unwin. he used to be the photographer to the Biological Section of Leedo Manor[?]. he is a very decent man all round.

Useful ditty

We don't want to go up to heaven

We don't want to down below

There ought to be somewhere between them

Where we poor blighter (?) can go

His use of a question mark there makes me thing the original used a different word, probably beginning with F. An Ensigrette is a camera.

Sunday 27th

Bathing parade in the afternoon.

Church in the evening.

Tuesday the 29th

Spent the evening printing.

Sunday Match 5th

Bathing parade at 2.15. Strong wind blowing had a curious effect on the sand hills. One in particular seemed to be smoking as the sand was blown off its top.

Wednesday the 8th

Sand fatigue at 6.30 am. M???[might be mail] have some acting[?]

Sunday the 12th

Service at church in the evening

Tuesday the 14th

Private reports say Turks have retreated.

Saturday the 18th

Bad sandstorm. Strong wind sheds nearly invisible at times. Hands and face quite sore from the flying particles.

Sunday the 19th

Rough night. Rain and storm. Wind as strong as ever.

Wednesday the 22nd

Parcel from home. ?? Getting quite a decent set of photos

Sunday the 26th

Usual Sunday. Bathe took place yesterday. No one admitted to lake between 3 and 7.

Thursday March 26

We begin summer hours today. Reveille 5 am. Fatigue parade 5.30. Bkft 6.30 Work 7.30-11.30 3-5.30. Dinner at 5.30. Tattoo 9.30.

Prince of Wales came along at 10 o'clock to watch bomb dropping practice. 2 machines up. He looks rather weak willed and sloppy. Much interested in the Box.

Weather threatening. One machine landed just before a fierce sandstorm broke. Objects 6 yds away quite obscured. Covered up lens with difficulty. Weather cleared slightly. 2nd machine landed in fine style the wind was so strong that it almost lifted the plane bodily. In the middle of the storm came a sharp shower. Half an hour later all was clear. An RFA Cpl in the Bre snapped the prince on the QT. Shall try and get a print of that.

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World War 1 Summary Page

I have ended up with numerous pages about Bernard in WW1. This page attempts to collate the in some kind of order. See also this page which...